domingo, 30 de abril de 2017

Video: ¡Fin al aislamiento absoluto del Presidente Gonzalo!

domingo, 23 de abril de 2017



In our country, the political crisis is expressed by the increasing weakness of the Executive Power and the destabilising plan that the Fujimorist Party has, the two factions of the extreme right that contend and collude, operating against the background of the crisis of the Odebrecht scandal, which involves all the Presidents of the past years since Fujimori.

Economically there is no reactivation, the risk of recession continues, there is no long-term economic plan and an economic crisis without prospect of solution exists. 

This is the capitalist system dependent on imperialism, which is based on the profit obtained from the sweat and blood of the proletariat and the people! And over this is added the attack of nature, which reveals that the Peruvian State has no forecast what so ever, has no strategic vision, it will arrive at the bicentennial disclosing that it has neglected fundamental needs of the masses. On the other hand, the proletarian image of Evangelina, the brave woman who survived the mudslide, is the living proof that the people fights, overcomes its wounds and rebuilds what has been destroyed. 

In this context, the Communist Party of Perú speaks out before the proletariat and the peoples of Perú and the world rejecting and unmasking the farcical trial of Tarata, case prepared by the extreme right against Chairman Gonzalo, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist historical leader and Communist till the end, to attack and discredit him, against the leaders of the Party seeking to bury them alive; against the Communist Party of Perú charging it with new and completely false crimes “against humanity”, “abduction” and “drug trafficking”; against Peruvian revolution to defame it and so that the people will never again rebel against capitalist exploitation and oppression. 

The people‘s war of Perú ended in 1992 and the CPP entered its fourth historical stage, the political struggle without arms always serving the people wholeheartedly. In response the Peruvian State, with historical reactionary blindness, has developed a policy of eternal persecution, hatred and revenge against revolutionaries and Communists, a policy we completely reject as well as resolutely reject the action of the mercenary group in the VRAE that usurps the name of the CPP. And once more we reaffirm in the need to struggle for Political Solution, General Amnesty and National Reconciliation!, fair and correct fundamental policy. 

5 hearings have already taken place and in all of them the reactionary plan to mount a political trial to discredit, and not to apply justice has manifested itself clearly. The same Prosecutor‘s Office knows that neither Chairman Gonzalo nor the Central Committee ever ordered nor planned, nor was it the Party‘s policy the action of Tarata nor kidnapping and having links with drug trafficking. 

This case has been investigated since 2005, 12 years of investigation! And already in 2006 the Fiscal Court‘s Resolution of October 27 one can read: 

“The bombing in Tarata Street was the product of particular circumstances”. 

“It has been accredited that the main and regional bodies (of Shining Path) establish their goals with absolute freedom and autonomy, proceeding later on to give account of the balance at the Central Committee” 

“Not existing … incrimination against the members of the Central Leadership, such as those who ordered directly the car bombing in Tarata”. 

“The Tarata Street bombing could not have been directed or ordered by the Central Committee of Shining Path”. 

Hence it resolves: “THERE IS NO REASON TO FORMALISE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT” and orders its archiving. 

However, later due to the complaint of the Attorney General, the Third Superior Prosecutor‘s Office orders “to extend the preliminary investigation for 50 days” It says 50 days! And it‘s been 12 years! Moreover, the same Third Superior Prosecutor‘s Office in its Resolution of January 4, 2007 indicates that “it has not obtained the investigative statements of everyone involved, breaking its legitimate exercise to the right of defence”.

All these facts show that it has violated the right to due process, to be tried within a reasonable time, because a defendant cannot be indefinitely processed under prosecutor investigation. This is further evidence that this trial is only for political interest of the reactionary Peruvian State to discredit and punish without any evidence. 

Thus, the only right thing is the extraordinary annulment of all the proceedings due to the violation to due process and the right to a defence, but the judges responsible of the trial, do not respect the due process, deny the right of the defendants, are violators of the right to a defence, they deviate from the penal guarantees and apply the reactionary criminal law of the enemy. 

With deep indignation we denounce that our Chairman Gonzalo has been suddenly transferred to Piedras Gordas I, Prison in Ancón, without allowing him to even take with him his personal belongings, at present he is in isolation 23 hours per day, something that is forbidden for an adult 82 years-old based on national and international regulations; he is in total misinformation not allowing him to have newspapers or radio not having been specified by any judicial authority, thus applying a cruel and degrading treatment added to the torture regime suffered in the military prison of the Naval Base of Callao, still worse when he is going through trial and has to assume his legal defence which seriously infringes the right of defence. Therefore, in fair protest, the comrades leaders have refused to attend the 5th hearing of the farcical trial. A trial in conditions where defence is nonexistent is lawfully null!

We come forth in defence of Chairman Gonzalo, Head of the Party and revolution, in defence of the 1980-1992 Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Gonzalo thought people‘s war, in defence of the Peruvian revolution and the World Proletarian Revolution because they want to discredit them, they seek to discredit Communism and the Communists and we reject that totally reaffirming ourselves in that without a Communist revolution, the people will have nothing! 

We deeply thank the expressions of solidarity from different revolutionary parties and organisations, very especially those who in various parts of the world are impelling a campaign for Chairman Gonzalo‘s life and health, expressing the great affection and respect for our Chairman worldwide. 

Finally the CPP expresses its solidarity with the workers, peasants, working people that are suffering from the lack of foresight and oblivion of the Peruvian State in the face of the natural disasters. The death toll, devastation of lands, homes and belongings, floods and other calamities are typical of capitalism which focuses on obtaining profits and not on the welfare of the people. 

The Peruvian State has never foreseen, this has been historically recorded. Our history, from the Inca times, has shown that these phenomena are handled, and why not now? Because profit is their primacy. One can clearly see how brazenly they profit with the misfortune of the people. Only in Socialism, with the creative force of the masses, these misfortunes can be prevented and controlled dominating nature, as evidenced by the experience of 66 years of Socialist construction in the USSR and China. 

To you, beloved people, who have built with your strength, your sweat, what little you have, we are here demonstrating our solidarity. We recognise your effort, your dedication: you‘ve lost everything, but your supportive hands remain, your spirit of combat that neoliberalism did not snatch away from you. Let‘s rebuild with the people and for the people fighting capitalist exploitation. 





March 2017                                                                                            Communist Party of Perú